Đặt câu với từ "is he|be he"

1. A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.

2. Could Tom really be as busy as he says he is?

3. He can be very charming, but he is fundamentally a bully.

4. He is not to be trusted. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

5. He is not to be blamed.

6. If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence.

7. He could not possibly be on steroids: he is too damn skinny.

8. 9 'He's' may be a contraction of 'he is' or 'he has'.

9. He be so drink that he be quite incoherent.

10. When He comes again, there will be no doubt who He is.

11. 10 He that gapes till he be fed will gape till he be dead.

12. He can be paroled during prison time if he is not a recidivist.

13. He can be very obstinate when he wants to be!

14. He is a man of the world(sentencedict .com), he wouldn't be shocked.

15. He is incredibly lucky to be alive.

16. He is commonly supposed to be foolish.

17. He ran away lest he be seen.

18. He is inefficient and must be replaced.

19. He is going to be an accountant.

20. He mentioned that he might be leaving.

21. He is to be shot at dawn.

22. 11 He is nowhere to be seen.

23. He who bribes is to be despised.

24. He is so stunned that he is overcome by what may be some form of paralysis.

25. He could be suffering from time drift, which is why he doesn't remember us.

26. He doesn't want me to be slogging as hard as he is right now.

27. He assured her that he would be discreet.

28. 21 He ran away lest he be seen.

29. He can be magical, he can be comical, but only rarely does he occupy the middle ground.

30. He must be edified by what he sees.

31. He crouched down so he couldn't be seen.

32. Speculation is rife that he will be sacked.

33. He also needs to prove that he is who he claims to be by producing some identification, perhaps a passport.

34. He is like death and cannot be satisfied.

35. What is he supposed to be doing now?

36. He is not likely to be granted bail .

37. He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.

38. He is believed to be rich in mind.

39. He is supposed to be deployed in Afghanistan.

40. He may be dexterous at football, but he is very clumsy on the dance floor.

41. If he is old enough, he might be required to earn money to replace it.

42. He believed he might be reincarnated as a woman.

43. He seems to be sick, for he appears pale.

44. He Bolded the words, so he must be serious

45. Though he may seem secure, he will be removed.

46. He inherited the family business - he must be loaded!

47. He felt he would be put through the hoop.

48. Further, he told me: “If one knows he comes from honest ancestors, he is duty and honor bound to be honest.

49. He will be difficult to replace when he leaves.

50. How did he know that? He must be telepathic.

51. He affects in a childish way to be above passion, and he is very ostentatious in what he says and does.

52. But Father can be remarkably obstinate when he thinks he knows what he wants and Mother is putty in his hands.

53. He must be a good plumber, or else he wouldn't be so busy.

54. He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 

55. He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the Orb on him.

56. It is said that he will never be able to play piano like he used to.

57. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Jonathan Swift 

58. Cheerless He thereby incurred a Cheerless gratitude, but he is a man willing to be disliked.

59. If he is a famous swordsman... why would he be with the gang of Tiger Mansion?

60. The street signs and landmarks show that he is not where he should be by now.

61. He can be redeemed, he can confess his sins, he can expiate his guilt.

62. 20 He was under guard Monday in Salem Hospital, where he is expected to be arraigned.

63. He is reluctant because it means he will not be able to visit his father again.

64. He could be spiteful.

65. 'Be careful!' he yelled.

66. Yes, he must be sincere, but more is required.

67. The culprit will be whipped when he is found.

68. He is said to be the most passionate man.

69. That doctor is a quack, he should be reported.

70. He is young, to be sure, but very experienced.

71. He is by nature inclined to be rather lazy.

72. He would be invincible

73. He must be lying.

74. He would be invincible.

75. 13 He is recognized to be a qualified announcer.

76. (be) " He is Careful with the new baby

77. He is clearly too partisan to be a referee.

78. Don't be critical of him; he is a beginner.

79. He is Considered to be a well-known professor

80. He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.